Investing in Regeneration

Wire Private Market Fund (WPMF) provides a convenient and professionally managed solution for private investors and  foundations to invest their wealth  consciously. WPMF started investing in 2020 and has build-up an internationally diversified portfolio of the best impact funds that contribute to regeneration of natural and human capital while generating an attractive financial return.

With EUR 68m AUI (Assets under Impact) the Wire Private Markets fund is closed for new investors. The fund has invested in 9 leading impact funds, currently consisting over 140 impact companies. With a final allocation of 12 funds, it will have invested in over 200 companies, diversified by geography, sectors and investment stages.

*The best example of regeneration is found in nature, more specifically with threes that have the unique ability to return water and nutrients to the soil in times of drought or scarcity of energy. 


I would like to invest in impact in a convenient and
professional way, is that possible?

Multiple value approach

With all our funds we strive towards creating multiple value for our investors, with regards to the Wire Private Markets Fund its as follows:

Impact return: All our investments have a net positive impact, our goal is to achieve at least 2.0x IMM Scorecard (Impact multiple of money). This means that for every Euro invested we will aim to realise at least 2 Euro's of impact. Achieving this goal and setting up the methodology to calculate this, is ambitious. 50% of our carried interest is dependent on achieving our impact goal.

Financial renturn: Besides impact return we aim for a solid financial return between 7-10% net for our investors.

Personal growth: It is our purpose to raise awereness and create conscious wealth. That is why we focus on organising events, sharing our information/findings and always being open for dialog with our investors.

Informatieverschaffing over duurzaamheid in de financiële sector (SFDR)

Transparantie is een kernwaarde voor Wire Group. Wij hebben een 'open deur' beleid en gaan graag met investeerders in gesprek over de investeringen die we doen, hoe wij denken dat die bijdragen aan 'planetaire balans', maar ook de uitdagingen en dilemma's die onze investeringsstrategie met zich meebrengt. Daarnaast zijn wij bij wet verplicht om een SFDR verklaring op te nemen. Deze vind je hieronder.

Ready to join our Conscious Wealth journey...

Do you want to know more about Wire Group, our activities and our funds, please reach out! We always look forward to connect!


Tera Terpstra
Chief Be Wired
+31 (0)6 1701 4174